Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Avandia (Rosiglitazone) - Update

Initially the FDA recommended to allow Glaxo SmithKline (GSK) to continue their study which compares their drug Avandia to Actos a medication in the same class, but without the cardiovascular side effects. But on 21 July, the FDA announced that the study has been placed on a partial clinical hold (no new patients can be enrolled) until further notice.

In light of this action, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that patients not change or stop their medications without first consulting with their physician (s). They also recommend that physicians use Metformin as a drug of first choice in Type 2 Diabetes. The AHA also urges physicians to examine data relating to Avandia, diabetes, and heart disease and make an educated choice on whether or not to prescribe Avandia.

GSK continues to maintain the safety of Avandia, but will to follow the FDA's recommendations and will continue to work with the FDA in the best interest of diabetic patients.

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